Friday, September 6, 2024

Oil Lines

“Anything mechanical is going to break down.” Grandpa always said. The oil cooler lines on White Horse have been dripping oil for the past couple years. It was time to tend to them. 

This is not an area to skimp. GM parts only, on this project. 

The oil cooler lines run from the oil filter to the radiator, where the oil is able to drop a degree or two. 

First step was unhooking them from the radiator. A simple e-clip and they were free. 

Underneath is where the work began. The lines bolt in right above the filter. 

Unbolting them wasn’t bad, minus the bath in motor oil. 

If you don’t have floor-dry on hand, dirt always works. 

Fishing the lines out was another story. A tip I learned was to loosen the front differential mounting bolts. 

Front and back. 

That gave us just enough room to weave the lines out. They were half steel and half rubber hose, which was helpful and challenging. 

Got em. 

Going in was easier. I was able to route over some electrical lines that hung us up coming out. GM parts bolted right up. 

Hooking back up to the radiator was slick. Put that e-clip in first and the lines just push right into place. 

Don’t forget to tighten the front-end back up. 

Giddy up.

Alls well that ends well. I’ve had funner projects, but some you just have to get done. I was going to have a mechanic shop put them on last year, but they said it was a three hour job, which included loosening to motor mounts. No thanks. We gotter done. I say we, but I flew solo on this one. However, as always, the Holy Spirit was present to lend encouragement. Onto the next one.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let Us Ranch

The time we have all been waiting for has arrived: Fr. Bryce Lungren, Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Buffalo and adjoining missions. Giddy up!

For years, White Horse and I have felt that Buffalo would be a good fit for us. So when Bishop Steven suggested this last spring, we were all game. For the past two months we have served as associate under Fr. Jim Heiser until he retired the end of last month.

So today it is official!

I am super thankful to Bishop Steven, Fr. Jim, and the People of God in Buffalo for all the behind the scenes work to make my transition here smooth. I'm excited to serve as pastor of Johnson county. Responsibility and creativity are two virtues that make the human person flourish. It's time to put them into action. Let us ranch!


Jesus came to lead us into authenticity. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

New Pasture

With a little pasture being located in Johnson County, it was time to move the horses. Five years the horses have bounced around Campbell County. It was fun to thank God for all the generous folks around Gillette who have homed Chief and Mollie. 

For the past couple of months the horses have been in at Sally Craig's place along Donkey Creek. 

Our first pasture in the spring was always at Mike and Nancy Fulton's.

For many years we would summer them with Bill and Joanne Fields. 

And of course, our many winters at Colleen Chauk's place.

So long to Campbell County, kids. She's been good to us. 

Off to the greener pastures of Johnson County. The Vignaroli's ranch along Clear Creek will be good starters. Got to get them used to the blazed sorrels across the fence first. 

Then introduce them to the catch pen and a little shelter. 

Before kicking them loose!

It's good to have the kids closer to home base. With fall coming on we can be ready to ride if we get the call to help round up. It's also nice to continue to button up things back in Gillette. Special thanks to all the good folks around Campbell County who have housed the horses over the years. We all appreciate it. Now we can explore County 16 in style. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ranchin Around

Wanting to scope out some pasture for my horses, I verntured out to the Vignaroli Ranch northeast of Buffalo. The grandson in charge, Jeremy Smith, and I ranched around while we were at it.

The nickname for the ranch is after Grandma Jean's middle name and was given to the place by Grandpa Larry, of happy memory.

The first order of business was to get a couple cows on the right side of the fence. So we jumped in their horse on wheels and hit the trail.

Finding the culprits in the trees by the creek, Jeremy pushed them back across the fence.

Then we jumped on Silver,

...and finished the job.

Once the sun was setting on the meadows,

...we headed back to the ranch for some home grown New York Strips. 

After a little smoke on the grill, Jeremy melted some Amish Butter in a skillet,  

...and threw them on for the final sear.

Precut and added some cooked asparagus,

...and we were ready to ranch!

Fun stuff. Jeremy's a good Catholic kid. We're about the same age and know a lot of the same people. The only problem is, his day job is in Texas. Hopefully we can get him back around here for good. The world needs more Catholic Cowboys!

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.