Saturday, January 2, 2021

Mary the Mother of God Adoration Chapel

 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is like incubating with Jesus.

Summer 2020 Limited Edition

2020 was a bronc. Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all say that we learned how to buck. First thing, never worry about the fall. Keep your mind in the middle, lift, and spur like Dale. Most importantly, if you get bucked off, get back on again. On to the next one... 2021 here we come! 

Click here if the image of a cool cowboy doesn't appear 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Mary and Joseph, I'm all Yours

 I'm not terrible creative. Think I'll just take the same path as Jesus. 

Holy Family

In honor of the Feast of the Holy Family, my holy mom and dad came to visit. Thanks Mom and Dad for helping me "grow and become strong."

Our holy family at St. Patricks in Moorcroft

Surprise Mom! Enjoy your new bike. May it always keep you young. 

Old School

My brother Luke picked up this 1975 beauty off the auction block. There's something about stock racks that take a guy back to the good o...