Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom

Suzi made some homemade bread for Mom on her birthday with strict orders for Chad and I that it arrive safely. So we jumped in his white horse and hit the road over the mountain. 

This wasn't his first rodeo. Chad'll run hotshot anywhere in the tristate region as long as he's home in time to lead the Rosary. 

Once in town, we stopped by Luke's feedlot to give him a few pointers on sewing up a cow

Mission accomplished. Thanks partner. 

Being the official secretary of Lungren Brothers Cattle Company we gave Ma a company jacket

And threw her a party

I won't tell you what number she turned. Nice job on the angel food cake Grandma Ruth.

Here's a shot of the house from 400'

Beings Chad already headed home, I jumped in ole yeller and ran her back to Gillette. I think she'll complement our operation. Let the good times roll!

Our Father

 I think you can summarize Jesus' entire mission into two words: Our Father

Monday, February 22, 2021

Go Peter

 The Church is set on the solid rock of Peter's confession of faith which continues today in the papacy. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Be Open

 Faith is not a feeling, but a decision to believe. 

Alls Well that Ends Well... I Guess

There hadn't been snow all winter, but I knew the Lord wouldn't let us down. Provide He did. 3' of fresh powder the day Kurt and I headed up to the folk's cabin for a ride in the Big Horns. No greater place to be when it's snowing than right in the middle of it all. I love snowmobiling. When it's good, it's good. But when it's bad, it's bad.

Here's what we woke up to last Friday morning. Kurt rides a snowbike, and this was the first time out the gate on my 2015 Polaris RMX Pro 800. We were jacked. 

We cut fresh track up to Battle Park, every rider's dream. The thought crossed our minds to just stick to the trail cause the snow was so good, but there was some drifts that needed to be busted. Here's as good as it gets. 

Unfortunately I got greedy and wanted to hit that cornice once more before we moved on. As I did, and my track was spinning, she reached down and caught dirt and snapped this final drive belt on the right side of the sled. SOL. So we Dumb and Dumbered it back to the cabin and made some phone calls and headed to Sheridan to get a new one.

On the way I met a couple friends I knew as a kid. We've been farming for quite awhile now. 

SOL again. Sheridan didn't have the same belt. So we headed to Black Tooth to think it over. Super long story short, she had to spend the week up there till I could get a new belt and hitch a ride back up. 

That day came this past Saturday when Dagen Geis and his brother Wyatt and dad Kevin threw in to give me a hand. There she sat waiting for us. We changed the belt, but for some darn reason the clutches were acting up so Dagen had to drag me home.

Alls well that ends well. My pride is still wounded, but we'll be back up and running in no time. Until then... we're on to the next one. 

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.            https://youtu.be/QuOiUs0dDy4