Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sacking Out

Now that the spring rains have subsided, Paul and I were able to get back to working Red. After a three or four week hiatus, he really never missed a beat. Needing to keep him going, we took the next step before saddling, which is sacking out. This pretty simple step, really pays dividends in the long run. 


The basic goal is to desensitize him to a plastic bag. It's about as loud and scary of an object as you can easily come up with. Always good to let him see and sniff what you are introducing to him. 

Once he knows it's not a rattlesnake, then rub it on him so he gets a feel for it. 

Next, we tied it to a whip so we can bang it all around him. Before we get to that point, it's good to walk around with it in the air so he how the bag behaves. When introducing this we always put ourselves between him and the scary object. Beings he trusts us, he'll come to trust that the plastic bag all over him isn't that big of deal. 

Then let him sense it again. This time it is floating in the air, which is new. 

Now we start to wave it all around him. Doing so catches all the different peripheries of a horse's scope. 

Then we can start to rub it all over him, desensitizing him to the random scary object. Red really took it well. But if a horse dances while you brush him with it, just keep going until he decides that it really isn't anything to be scared about and just stands still. 

Once he stands, rub the stop you were banging on to reinforce that he did what you wanted him to do.  

By doing this on his back, we are basically throwing a saddle blanket on. 

The beauty of this tactic is that you can rub on parts of his body from a safe distance, like his hind quarters.

And his rear hocks.

And the ever sensitive flank area. He did good. 

You just can't do enough random actions with the sack. Here we are swinging a rope off of him. 

What this produces is a gentle horse. 

Good stuff. We want to keep going and get a saddle on him, but we don't want to skip important steps in the process. Sacking him out pays it forward, both in the training process and with the scary objects that arise years down the road. It really is simple, but very effective. Like the whole training process, this is a new step that we've introduced, but we don't leave it behind. We'll be bringing it back from time to time. That being said, a saddle is not too far in the future. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024


The day Dad was born, Grandpa signed on a ranch near Big Trails WY, south of Ten Sleep. Along with the place came an old horse drawn bobsled. With the use of teams being pretty well gone by then, Grandpa welded on a tongue, put a hay rack on it, and drug it around with a tractor. Eventually it just became impractical to use, so it got parked on the fence line for the next 40 years. With no one living at the ranch, Dad didn't want to see it disappear. So he and Luke brought the running gear home to the farm in the mid 90's. After I got to playing with horses at my first assignment at St. Stephens, on the Wind River Indian Reservation from 2016-2019, Grandpa asked if we'd get it fixed up. So we did. 

Finished product, December 2017. 

I was looking for a project that winter, so Dad piled together the old running gear and hauled it up to me. 

Once we got it strung out, it didn't look quite as bad. Amazingly all the parts were there. The biggest problem was that the skis were rotted out. 

So we pressure washed it and drug it in my little shop to come up with a game plan. 

The old skis were one-piece and steam bent. With that not going to happen, we devised a plan to laminate them. We ripped a bunch of old rough-cut 2" wide fir into 3/16" strips. Then built a jig that followed the inside contour of the old skis. One by on we laid a strip down on a bed of glue and tack nailed it the the bottom board. Once it was at the desired height, we clamped it down and let it dry. After a day of drying we cut it off and repeated the same steps for all four skis. 

Then sanded them down and cut them to length.

With the skis in tact, it gave us encouragement to the take on the rest of the gear. Piecing it together and understanding all the components was a fun puzzle. The most challenging part was firming up the tongue that attached the two riggings. The old wood was real loose and a bit rotten. So we took some strap iron and bolted the top and bottom together, and the length of the tongue as well. 

There was no original deck that we knew of, so we set out to make it a buckboard style. Simple 2x4" frame work with some rough cut flooring. 

Used the same material for the sides and ends. Wagon boxes like this just set on the running gear. Not having any suspension to speak of, they need to be able to move up and down as the running gear flexes over the terrain. 

Coming up with the right seat was a challenge. But like always, the Lord provided. Sr. Teresa and I used to go visit a neat gal named June out in Fort Washakie. One day while leaving her house I spotted this old seat sitting in the tall grass. Inquiring about it, she gladly donated it to our cause. God rest your soul, June. 

It cleaned up well and fit perfect. Dad made a simple cushion for it. 

Then we drug it out and oiled it up. Looked tough and ready for work again.

To celebrate, we borrowed a team of Belgian horses and hauled kids around for our annual St. Stephens sleigh day on December 26th. Fun ride. 

With a change of assignment in 2019, we brought the bobsled home and parked it on the hill. It weathered fine, but sure did grey up. 

I was pleased to see that the skis were holding together. 

So we brought it in to freshen it up. With a little help, the grey came right off. 

Still stands strong. 

Of course we had to rebrand it.

Then put a fresh coat of linseed oil on it. I find this trick to work super well. Get as siphon nozzle attachment for your air compressor, and dunk the hose into a can of oil. Makes for an easy and effective mode of application. 


So we pulled it out. 

And parked it back on the hill.

Great heirloom. Carries with it good memories, both past and present. It'd be fun to pull it again someday, but teams are getting hard to come by. I enjoyed driving it, but probably enjoyed the challenge of fixing it up more. I'm thankful for Dad bringing it home and Grandpa wanting to get it going again. Treasures like this need to be displayed, if not used. Not sure if bobsleds represent a simpler time, but definitely a tougher time. No heated steering wheel here. If you needed to go to town in the winter back then, you and your horses better be ready. You can get there, but you better have a buffalo rug and some hot rocks at your feet. Good stuff. 

Spirit of Truth

The disciples spoke the universal language of truth.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Tree Thinning

Around Wyoming, you hate to cut down any live tree. Especially a Cottonwood, the state tree. However, half-dead trees will hang on for a long time, making you think they are going to rebound. Such was the case with our seven Cottonwoods that line Mom's boulevard. Probably five years ago they winter killed, but every spring a few limbs show some life. We've trimmed them and babied them, but they are just never going turn into more than a bush. So we made the call to cut them down and replace them with new trees. 

It's tough to grow a tree on our hilltop. A lot of gravel and the only water they get is what you run to it. These guys looked good until a tough winter. Not sure what the circumstances were, but it zapped the life out of them. 

Cottonwoods are notorious for never fully dying. They taunt you with a few green branches, while 75% of them are dead. 

Our removal tool of choice was the JD 450. Not having been run this year, we checked all the fluids before she touched off. 

If your going to do any logging, the proper chain is critical. This is a US made 3/8" that hasn't been cut or spliced. 

The smaller trees we knew we could pull over. We just hooked the chain a few feet up the trunk for a bit of leverage, but not too high so that it might break off instead of uproot the stump. 

Then gave it a go. 

We tried our best to knock off all the dirt we could before dragging them to the pile.

The two taller trees we pushed over so they didn't land on the cab over the dozer. When pushing over a tree make sure and ease into it. If you hit it with impact at the base, the top of it can't react as quick and it can actually snap up high and land in your lap. 

Worked out. 

We drug them all over to the North 40. 

And piled them up so we can burn them once they've dried out. 

The clean up wasn't too bad. I did the best I could with the dozer. 

And Dad put the final touches on with the farmhand. 

Mom and Dad already have new trees planted in between where the old ones stood. They are Honey Locust.

We've had good luck with them in other places. They grow up quick and nice, and really seem to handle a Wyoming winter well. 

Mission accomplished. 

Everyone's happy. 

The only thing worse than a dead tree is a half-dead tree. It's amazing how cleaner the yard looks now. The little bit of green didn't out weigh the protruding dead branches. We could have trimmed them out of there better, but a Cottonwood shrub isn't what we were looking for. Trees along hilltop not only look good from the yard, but also from the road. There's a season for everything, a time to plant and a time to uproot. 

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.