Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hunting Season

With fall coming upon us, it's time to start harvesting some cows. This year has brought a couple new additions to our operation, a big block and a contraption. 

The cattle look real good. Some are still up on grass and a few are down here ready go to the cooler. 34 was next on the list. I love these corrals in the middle of the Campbell County prairie. The 10-24 operating in the background is music to my ears.

The .22 mag has been getting the job done, most of the time. Therefore I've been in the market for an open site rancher rifle of sorts to better my average. I was thinking of a .223 but Dcn. Joe Sandrini came through with this sweet .454 Casull. I'd never even heard of one before. What I like about it most is the lever action, which helps ease my cowboy insecurities. 

She's a cannon compared with a .223 and definitely packs a punch.

The other new addition is the Contraption. Made from scrap iron, her purpose is to eliminate the need for a tractor. She fits into the pickup's receiver hitch and has a trailer axle attached to the stinger. On top of that sits the boom with a 2,500 lb hand winch. When the pulling gets tough, I attach my come-along to the gooseneck ball to ensure I don't loose any teeth. 

It makes for clean gutting, which I drop into a sled and drag off for the coyotes. 

After gutting, I switch ends and start skinning. 

It really makes for a quiet, peaceful process. 

Once skinned, I half her...

and swing her around into the pickup box and quarter her.

Simple as that.

Fold her up and we're on to the next one.

It's gonna be a fun fall. We now have 8 cows still in the herd. Over the next 4 months we'll be bringing them all home and into the cooler. Our mission is to Feed America. If you want on board, give me a ring at Better beef makes for happier hearts. 

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