Wednesday, January 19, 2022

White Horse

One proof that I went all in with the Lord when I went to seminary is that I gave my truck to the monastery and bought a Subaru. It served me well for the eight years of school, but when over, it was time return to my cowboy roots. 

The name White Horse came from my favorite tack store in Thermop. But it is also fitting because she has been Faithful and True. Rev. 19:11

Getting a pickup was heavy on my heart in the fall of 2016. Over Thanksgiving I was driving to Newcastle to visit my cousin. Upon entering town, I happen to turn my head and there she was. My future truck. 2012 3500HD Chevy Silverado with 135,000 miles on the 6.0. Just broke in. 

The first order of business was to put on a set of BFG's and fit her with Grandpa's stockracks.

She has served me well through thick and thin...

...through good times and bad.

She has been essential in my ranching...

...and farming.

Though she has been irreplaceable in our butchering, we both felt she could up her game.

The idea of a flatbed had crossed my mind, but when Dcn. Kim planted the seed of a bale feeder bed I was sold. This gem came out of an auction company in of Billings MT. Though it was a bit tweaked and the wrong size, it had the potential to fit my ole girl. 

Beings I overslept my flight to Hawaii and missed the trip of a lifetime, I decided to spend the week back home, renewing my relationship with White Horse.

I'm no stranger to putting on flatbeds. In my early days in Helena, part of my job was installing flatbeds of various sorts. The main problem with this bed was it was too long. We had to cut 14" off the front and narrow the headache rack. 

I love working in the shop. A solid five days together with Dad was necessary to accomplish a mission of this caliber. 

With the welder I will solve my problem. Psalm 49:4

The lift arms on a bale feeder bed are going to be the greatest asset when slaughtering cows. However they are not long enough to string up a cow. So we built these arm extensions. You should see me with chopsticks. 

Giddy up.

Part of my mission in life is to keep people out of retirement, which includes Dad and my truck. After 10 years and 238,000 miles, White Horse is still ready to run. I continually thank God for my pickup. She has never let me down and has carried me all around the big wonderful state of Wyoming in style. I'm excited for 2022. No sense in burning daylight, let's get to work!

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