Monday, May 30, 2022

Band of Brothers

Kurt is getting married this weekend so we thought we better throw him a Wyoming Catholic Cowboy bachelor party. The plan was originally to go up to a branding together in Montana, but the rain put the kibosh to that. We didn't give up though, just shifted gears.

So we turned to the faithful ranchers on the Belle Fourche, John and Sue Raney. They welcomed us with open arms and showed us hospitality as if we were Christ himself.

The boys' sleeping quarters was a camping castle. Chief and Joe seemed to approve. 

Of course we had to jam out. Shane and Joe kept us entertained throughout the night.

Talk about summer time... The bbq ribs and corn on the cob were outstanding. 

And as promised, the skies did open up this morning. From the nose of my trailer where I holed up for the night, it sounded like a monsoon.

After Mass, John cooked us up a ranch breakfast that rivaled Lula Belle's. 

With a little break in the rain, we went in search of the cows. Chief and Shane were ready to run. Cows are all accounted for. 

Band of brothers.

Here's to you Kurt. Lord knows the world needs more Catholic Cowboy husbands. We've done all we can to form you for this moment. Now go on and make your father proud. 

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