Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dear Rodeo

With hands in short supply, we imported Gerry back to help ranch for the summer. Our first stop was Chris Ledoux Days in Kaycee Wyo. Doesn't get much more western than this. A good time was had by all. 

Like the saints, good cowboys become more popular after they die. Chris Ledoux is a western icon. For Gerry to set foot on this sacred ground is like a dream come true. 

Of course you can't celebrate the life of Chris Ledoux without bucking some horses.

While waiting for the street dance and walking around town we ran into some other Catholic Cowboys. It's so cool to be Catholic, everyone is your brother and sister just waiting to meet you. As providence would have it, Alva is from Barcelona. 

Fr. Bryce, Gerry, and Ned Ledoux

This is gonna be a good summer. Gerry just graduated from the university with an ag engineering degree. The plan is to farm him out to different outfits over the next couple of months and give him some raw and real experiences. Should be an adventure. 

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