Friday, August 26, 2022

Cutting Room

With 40 cows ran through the cutting room so far, we've come across some improvements that could help in the process. The main one being the floor. The aluminum tread plate was next to impossible to keep clean. So with butchering season around the corner, we took advantage of a window of opportunity to fix her up. 

There is really nothing I can think of changing that would speed up our processing. We don't have a band saw, and I really can't think of a use for one. We leave most of the carcasses in the cooler, so we can keep the cutting room as clean as possible. 

The aluminum diamond tread plate is not original to a semi reefer trailer. It was installed as part of the former owner's project. If fat or dirt would get down there, it would take a wire wheel or pressure washer to get it up. 

So we installed a subfloor. This allowed us to fasten down the tread plate better and make ready for heavy-duty kitchen vinyl. 

John Black came in to do a professional job of instillation. Thanks man. 

We also made a few minor tweaks to the room to make it more friendly. Buddy has been a nice addition. 

Come on cows. 

    I'm excited to spend the fall and winter evenings cutting fine beef to feed fine people. The beauty of the amendment to the Food Freedom Act that we operate under, is that we do not have to be an inspected or licensed meat cutting facility. We do not sell meat, so the state does not need to be involved at all. We are not open to the public either. The meat processed and housed at Lungren Brothers Cattle Company is for share holders only. All have signed a contract with full knowledge that I am uninspected. When they come and get meat, and there is an exchange of money, it is for my labor in cutting our meat. 
    The truth is, an operation like this is self regulating. If I thought the outfit processing my food was shady, I'd stop going to them. The fact is, more and more people keep signing on and coming back. The proof is in the pudding. We try hard to provide a good product for good people. We're not out to make money, but to Feed America. 

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