Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hitting the Hay

You ain't no cowboy today unless you have a living quarters in your horse trailer. Fortunately, we have that one covered. Patty is a multipurpose trailer. We can haul horses, cows, sometimes both, haul hay, and even campout.

The tack room is where I lay awake all night. 

When you close the door, she's a little snug with the saddles. Even though I rarely catch a wink of sleep with my nose against the roof, it sure is fun. 

Gerry prefers the great outdoors. Being more of a mountain man, he likes nature as his bed.

Asleep on the hay. 

Just ranchin'. Keeping up with Jones' in ranch world is tough. Driving around Campbell County one can be kind of intimidated by all the fancy setups running around. No need to worry here. Our trailer is ranch ready. She can haul the load and house the cowboys. 

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