Friday, October 7, 2022

Cow Hunt

Hunting season is in the air, and at Lungren Brothers Cattle Company, cow harvesting is in full swing. Whenever possible, I like to take members of the co-op along to get a taste of what feeding America entails. The Schamber boys were all in. 

44 was next on the list. She was a sale barn cow from Worland. Boy she finished out nice. Pushing 1400 lbs with fat pockets protruding on both sides of her tail bone, she was ready for the cooler. 

Kru and I put the sneak on her. The hunt itself got a little western. But that's not uncommon on Caballo Creek. 

Once we got her down and dressed, the boys went to work: Tony, Kru, and Jaxson 

Lungren Brothers is about educating the world as much as it's about feeding the world. Kru's catching on quick. With a hat like that, he might be ready to hire on next summer. 

This ain't Jaxson's first rodeo. He's got skinning down pat. 

Mission accomplished.

Ranching is a family affair. More than a co-op, Lungren Brothers is a brotherhood. It's our cows and it's our responsibility to feed America. Cow hunting is risky business. But there is strength in numbers. Thanks for the help boys.

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