Sunday, December 11, 2022


One fun thing about being in the northeast corner of Wyoming is that I've gotten to know a piece of my history that I would have never experienced. Grandma Ruth, Dad's mom, grew up in Nisland South Dakota. Her mother's maiden name was Herman. This much I knew, but I really had never seen that country up close and personal. Well, as providence would have it, I had an hour to kill around Belle Fourche SD this weekend, so I took a little trip 15 miles east to Grandma's old stomping grounds. 

On the way out of town I passed this road sign. Grandma said her Uncle Jake Herman farmed here. 

Nisland is a cute little town. Not much more than a wide spot in the road these days. But it was home to Grandma, until she moved to Belle to go to work as a telephone switchboard operator at the age of 15. 

The little old Lutheran Church still stands tall and proud. Here's where Grandma would sing in the choir and even played the organ one Sunday. 

It's also where she was Confirmed. 

In Belle is where her grandma and grandpa Herman are buried. 

After Grandpa John died Grandma Anna remarried. 

Eventually, Grandma Ruth moved to Worland WY and married Lloyd Lungren and raised their four kids. 

And all their grandkids. 

It's fun to go back in time. I'm well familiar with the Lungren side of things, and even some of the Wamboldt history (Grandma's maiden name). But the Herman's I knew in name only. Stepping foot on the ground that they called home I'm able to learn more about Grandma's childhood. And consequently, learn more about my roots as well. So beautiful. I love getting to know the past, it helps me appreciate the present. I thank God for my Herman ancestors who blessed the world with the great gift of Grandma Ruth. 

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