Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hog Leg

Nothing says America like shooting guns and watching the Super Bowl. A nice sunny afternoon was the perfect time to try out my newly borrowed six shooter. 

I didn't know I needed a .45 long colt until I was running around with my brother Matt. I've always liked this hog leg of his so I asked if I could bring it home for awhile. Like a good big brother, he agreed. 

So I called my buddy Ryan up and we took a little time to plink around. She sure does shoot nice. 

We pulled out his AR-556 while we were at it. 

The ole Silver Bullet didn't stand a chance. 

Guns are fun. I know they get a bad rap from a lot of people, but it's hard to imagine life out west without one or two. Part of survival. American freedom comes with responsibility. We use the gifts God has given us to support human flourishing and the common good of all. In this neck of the woods, guns are an essential part of that equation.


  1. I can recall doing this very thing at a ranch gathering for some holiday, I think Thanksgiving. We had a bowling pin shoot.

    A year or two after that, when my brother and sister-in-law were getting married, we went to another bowling pin shoot in the town where they were getting married. It was a lot of fun, and probably more traditional than some might suppose.

    1. In thinking back on this, this was actually a Super Bowl party. I ended up posting a blog entry on it:

      I don't care for football at all, and I have no interest in the Super Bowl, but those events, seemingly now practically back in a different era, were a lot of fun, and really the best of gatherings for "civil holidays" if you will.

    2. Good stuff. I think you keyed on the point that was trying to be made. In the west, civil holidays are often accompanied by shooting around. Send me an email if you would at



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