Saturday, April 22, 2023

Men's Retreat

Every year we try to have a men's retreat on the Durham Ranch north of Wright. This year was a success. John Flocchini generously offers us the use of one of the ranch houses that is retreat ready. They've hosted all sorts of events here over the years, but one of the family's favorites is promoting the Faith. 

You never know what kind of weather you are going to get in mid April. This year was better than the last year, but still chilly. 

We started out on Friday night with a Buffalo Burger hangout for those that were able to join. 

They main event kicked off Saturday morning with the celebration of Mass. About 20 guys were in attendance. Mainly from Campbell County, but one came in from Sheridan and two from Casper. 

Breakfast is always a crowd pleaser.

The theme of the retreat was Behold Your Mother. I gave a talk in the morning and the afternoon. The rest of the time was silent prayer. It's like a buddy of mine once said, "It's amazing what you can hear when you shut up."

The hope was that we all take seriously our Lord's last commandment to "Behold our mother Mary." The book 33 Days for Morning Glory will be our next project. 

Retreats are good for the soul. Like Grandma says, "We all need to get out of Dodge every once in awhile." By doing so, we can reencounter Christ and get a new perspective on life. We retreat from the front lines of life, to be refreshed in our relationship with God, so we go back to our vocations with new zeal. Can't beat it. 

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