Thursday, June 29, 2023

Fixing Fence

With a little window of opportunity, Kelly and I grabbed the horses and headed for the Hills. The mission: fix some fence and push the cows into Joe's mountain pasture. 

This corner was the main problem. The wild game had a thoroughfare going through here. 

So we outfitted the horses with supplies and went to work

You can't get a lot of fencing done off a horse. But when the terrain is tough, they are the vehicle of choice. 

Kelly's old-hand at patching fence. 

Occasionally a guy will come across a wire that just needs tightened. If there's enough slack, a stretcher splice will do the trick. 

Just pull it tight, cut the wires, and loop them together. More often than not though, you come up short on wire. Best to choose your battles wisely. 

Clipping wire to T-posts is a common occurrence. They make it pretty handy anymore. Just grab the clip with your pliers.

And give it a twist. Boy, the sweet clover is thick this year. 

Stapling wires back up is standard issue as well. 

Looks good to me.

After the fencing fixing escapade, we set off to push the cows.

Our fly tags seem to be working. Anymore, the cows are grazing out in the open and not shaded up under the trees. 

Through the gate and up to water. Enjoy the mountain, girls. 

The horses deserved a drink.

And the cowboys as well. 

Life is good. Men of the cloth don't get many breaks. But when we do, we take advantage of them. Some guys golf. I like to cowboy. Can't beat it with a stick. Cows are happy and we're on to the next one!

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