Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Winter Ready

Usually I wait until its cold and snowy to make final winter preparations. Not this year. With an afternoon of nice weather, I went ahead and got the horses settled in their winter home. 

The kids look good. They always do. But their bay hides really stand out as they start to put on their winter coats. 

Colleen Chaulk has generously let us campout at her place for the past three years. It works great with a lean-to, catch pen, heated waterer, and a bit of room to run. 

I kicked the water on and the float seemed to be stuck. 

So I tore it down to take a looksee. 

Then just cleaned out the float seat. 

And it did the trick. 

Next was getting the feeder ready. These nets have really saved the day. 

I like to keep hay on the critters all day long so their minds don't grow weary. The net makes them work for their feed and keeps them from wasting hay. 

Before going into winter is a good time to trim their hooves. No one wants to do that in the middle of January. 

So I got all eight cleaned up. 

My old friend. 

Happy campers. 

The feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple is a fine day settle the horses in their winter pasture. Our Blessed Mother will take good care of them. For the next five months or so, this is what they'll be looking at. Good stuff.

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