Friday, June 7, 2024

Sacred Heart Retreat

Every spring the presbyterate of the Diocese of Cheyenne gather for their annual five day retreat. Not having a retreat center in Wyoming we alternate between going to South Dakota and Colorado. This year's retreat was held at Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House in Sedalia CO. 

The Diocese of Cheyenne has about 40 active priests and most of us were able to gather along with Bishop Steven. 

The hardest part of the retreat was getting there. Denver traffic on a Monday morning can be brutal. Much time to reflect on my days of seminary down here. 

The Sacred Heart retreat center was founded in 1959. Our diocese has been utilizing it for presbyterate retreats since the 1960's. Beautiful quite area with about 280 acres to roam. 

It is a Jesuit retreat house who's founder was St. Ignatius of Loyola who lived in the 16th century. His spirituality is solid and universal to both priests and laity alike. In seminary we were highly formed in Ignatius spirituality, especially his discernment of spirits. 

Our digs were moderate and very accommodating. 

Anymore, the year we are down here is a silent retreat for us. The chapel was central station for Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, and Holy Hour. 

This is only my second retreat here. Cool statues around this place. Good ole St. Joe the Worker. 

Retreats like this allow for as much chill time as prayer time. 

It was a beautiful week of prayer that fittingly concluded on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Fr. Clark Lenz and myself were ordained priests on this feast day six years ago. I love the feast of the Sacred Heart. Always are reminder that God loves us with a human heart. 

The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary always follows the feast of the Sacred Heart. Very fitting, as our Lord's last command on the Cross was for us to Behold our Mother. This statue really says it all. When we totally entrust ourselves to Mary we can stay peaceful as children in her arms, with our eyes always fixed on the Father's will. Let's ranch! 

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