Thursday, August 15, 2024

Log Removal

On our annual Sons of Mary priestly fraternal retreat in the Big Horns, we always like to do some act of community service. This year, Fr. Brian and myself decided to remove an old tree that had fallen and wedged itself in the creek. 

West Ten Sleep Creek can run wild during spring runoff. A few years back, she washed up a couple trees. This one has been an eye sore for a while. It was time to get it out. 

Being wedged between a couple other trees, we had to cut it in half before it was free to move. 

Then we chained up the front of White Horse. 

And eased her down to the creek so we could winch on the log. 

When working with timber in the creek, having long enough rigging is always an issue. Thank God for winch lines. 

A good double wrap on the trunk and we were ready to tug. 

We are running a 12,000lbs Ramsey electric winch on the front of White Horse. A good rule of thumb is to leave the engine running when operating an electric winch. It will drain your battery in no time if you don't. 

Slow but steady, the old log made it's way to the bank. 

Once arrived, it started to nose dive in the dirt and power-out the winch. 

So we just put the old mare in 4-low and backed the log up the bank. 

And pulled it out to the road. 

Then turned around and drug it to the burn pile. 

Afterward, we reclaimed our footprint. 

Muy bien. 

I'm all about the good of the community. This lodged log was bugging us all. Not any more. Fr. Brian, White Horse, and myself, made light work of it. We left the other dead trees standing to ensure logging fun for the future. Someday they'll fall down, and someday we'll pull them out. All for the Glory of God! On to the next one. 

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