Monday, August 26, 2024

New Pasture

With a little pasture being located in Johnson County, it was time to move the horses. Five years the horses have bounced around Campbell County. It was fun to thank God for all the generous folks around Gillette who have homed Chief and Mollie. 

For the past couple of months the horses have been in at Sally Craig's place along Donkey Creek. 

Our first pasture in the spring was always at Mike and Nancy Fulton's.

For many years we would summer them with Bill and Joanne Fields. 

And of course, our many winters at Colleen Chauk's place.

So long to Campbell County, kids. She's been good to us. 

Off to the greener pastures of Johnson County. The Vignaroli's ranch along Clear Creek will be good starters. Got to get them used to the blazed sorrels across the fence first. 

Then introduce them to the catch pen and a little shelter. 

Before kicking them loose!

It's good to have the kids closer to home base. With fall coming on we can be ready to ride if we get the call to help round up. It's also nice to continue to button up things back in Gillette. Special thanks to all the good folks around Campbell County who have housed the horses over the years. We all appreciate it. Now we can explore County 16 in style. 

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