Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ranchin Around

Wanting to scope out some pasture for my horses, I verntured out to the Vignaroli Ranch northeast of Buffalo. The grandson in charge, Jeremy Smith, and I ranched around while we were at it.

The nickname for the ranch is after Grandma Jean's middle name and was given to the place by Grandpa Larry, of happy memory.

The first order of business was to get a couple cows on the right side of the fence. So we jumped in their horse on wheels and hit the trail.

Finding the culprits in the trees by the creek, Jeremy pushed them back across the fence.

Then we jumped on Silver,

...and finished the job.

Once the sun was setting on the meadows,

...we headed back to the ranch for some home grown New York Strips. 

After a little smoke on the grill, Jeremy melted some Amish Butter in a skillet,  

...and threw them on for the final sear.

Precut and added some cooked asparagus,

...and we were ready to ranch!

Fun stuff. Jeremy's a good Catholic kid. We're about the same age and know a lot of the same people. The only problem is, his day job is in Texas. Hopefully we can get him back around here for good. The world needs more Catholic Cowboys!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! And I thought I used too much butter in my cooking! I won't be so stingy any more!

    And I am glad other cowboys and cowgirls also fry their steaks when needed vs the more time consuming luxury of grilling them! Well, both are just fine. Fried for work time; and grilled on weekends and with guests. Hey, I didn't know there were weekends west of the Mississippi!

    Seriously, I've driven by the Victoria hundreds of times in my work and on pleasure drives with my bird dogs on the way to hunt pheasants and rabbits. I've passed by its lush fields and stately cotton woods morning and night; rain and shine; -30F and 100F above.

    What a beauty of a ranch along Clear Creek on its way down to Powder River, on to the Missouri, and on down the Mississippi to New Orleans. All water from the Big Horn Mountains through the Victoria ranch!

    And then God sends that water back again in our rain and snow! What a gift of life!

    Father Bryce, I'm glad your horses will enjoy the sweet grass of the Victoria. And the clean water of Clear Creek. Thanks be to God for the joyful life we enjoy in Christ, and for the wonderful life in Wyoming.


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