Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let Us Ranch

The time we have all been waiting for has arrived: Fr. Bryce Lungren, Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Buffalo and adjoining missions. Giddy up!

For years, White Horse and I have felt that Buffalo would be a good fit for us. So when Bishop Steven suggested this last spring, we were all game. For the past two months we have served as associate under Fr. Jim Heiser until he retired the end of last month.

So today it is official!

I am super thankful to Bishop Steven, Fr. Jim, and the People of God in Buffalo for all the behind the scenes work to make my transition here smooth. I'm excited to serve as pastor of Johnson county. Responsibility and creativity are two virtues that make the human person flourish. It's time to put them into action. Let us ranch!


  1. I hope that Chief has come with you. Best wishes! You will be a great pastor and shepherd of souls.

  2. Congratulations! Buffalo is lucky to have you.


Ask, Seek, Knock

We seek God by seeking our neighbor.